Dapchi: déjà vu?
When militants last Monday storm-trooped a girls school in Dapchi, Yobe State, displacing the students and their minders and apparently abducting some, it was a virtual reenactment of the nightmare we tangled with not too long go in Nigerian nationhood history. The militants, suspected to be Boko Haramists, struck under the cover of night at the Government Girls Science Technical College (GGSTC) in a gang raid for which they deployed explosives and heavy weaponry mounted on trucks, some of which were said to have been camouflaged in military colours. They reportedly fired random shots as they approached the state-run boarding school that caters for girls aged from 11 years, sending students and teachers on the premises fleeing in the dark through jungle paths for safety in nearby habitations. The lucky ones brazed injuries from thistles and thorns, and reportedly in some cases from snakebites, to make it to ‘safety’ and have since returned home. Luckless ones, as it now seems obviou...