Ngige’s bluster on doctors

Labour and Employment Minister Chris Ngige elevated the street tack of bluffing into a governance art last week. He said Nigeria had a surplus resource of medical doctors and, as such, those among them desiring to relocate abroad in search of greener pastures were encouraged to so do.
Speaking on a Channels Television programme on Wednesday, the minister of labour, who happens to be a trained medical doctor, said he had no fear that massive recruitment of Nigerian doctors by some foreign embassies could hazard this country’s health sector. The Saudi Arabia mission had only lately undertaken such recruitment. Responding to a question on implications of the brain drain for Nigeria, Ngige said he was not worried: “We have a surplus. When you have surplus, you export.”
The minister likened the situation to the experience of India, saying: “It happened some years ago here. I was taught chemistry and biology by Indian teachers in my secondary school days (because) there is a surplus in their country. We also have a surplus in the medical profession in our country. I can tell you this. In my area, we have excess. Who says we don’t have enough doctors? We have more than enough; you can quote me. There is nothing wrong in them travelling out.”
He argued that the emigration of doctors has its benefits, among them repatriation of the foreign exchange to be earned, besides opportunities of their getting better equipped abroad and setting up satellite practices back home: “When they go abroad, they earn money and send them back home here. Yes, we have foreign exchange earnings from them and not just oil...Will you call that brain drain? I know a couple of them who practise abroad but set up medical centres back home. They have CAT scan (and) MRI scan, which even the government cannot maintain. So, I don’t see any loss.”
But those assertions by the minister brazenly affronted the sensibility of a society where the health sector is widely seen and indeed experienced in the doldrums. For a start, basic indices contradict the claim that Nigeria has a surplus of medical doctors. As fact-checks by TheCable and other reputed sites on the heels of Ngige’s statement already showed, whereas the World Health Organisation (WHO) prescribes a ratio of one doctor to 600 patients as the global best standard, official data linked to the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) indicated that as of December 2017, Nigeria had some 39,000 personnel practising as medical doctors. With the country’s population estimated at 195million, this translated to one medical doctor to about 5,000 citizens.
Not that this ratio outlook for Nigeria is likely to get any better soon as the country, at the latest count, produces 370 medical doctors in every 10,000 Nigerians, according to the WHO. Reputable Twitter account, @Spectator Index, in a posting last January reported a study by the world body showing a statistical output of 0.37 medical doctors in every 1000 people for Nigeria. This figure pales against Germany with a statistical output of 4.2 medical doctors per 1,000 people; Argentina, 3.9; China, 3.6; France, 3.2; United Kingdom, 2.8 and the United States, 2.5. Others include Saudi Arabia with 2.5 output level; Canada, 2.5; Japan, 2.3; Poland, 2.2; Mexico, 2.2; Brazil, 1.8; South Africa, 0.81 and India, 0.75.
The labour minister may have drawn inspiration for his latest assertions from his Health counterpart and overseer of the sector in focus, Professor Isaac Adewole, who not too long ago said Nigeria had a sufficiency of doctors, and that the real problem with health personnel is uneven distribution. In an address to the 38th Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference of the National Association of Resident Doctors of Nigeria, the health minister submitted that the ratio of one doctor to some 5,000 Nigerians fairs well compared to other African countries.

‘The biggest challenge that confronts us is the inconsistent government narrative on the health sector profile’

But a Fellow of the London School of Economics (LSE) Department of Health Policy, Dr. Aduragbemi Banke-Thomas, who cited that ministerial address in a position paper, questioned the parameter used in measuring sufficiency. The scholar, apparently Nigerian in origin, wrote: “According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Nigeria has one of the highest doctor-to-population ratio in Africa. The question is by whose standards should one benchmark sufficiency of doctors in a country: your neighbours who are in the same boat with you or by global standards?”
Banke-Thomas pointedly argued against Adewole’s submission. Since I can’t hope to do a better job with paraphrasing, let me quote him here at length, as he wrote: “The current global recommendation is one doctor to 600 population. A poll citing the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) reported that there are about 72,000 nationally registered Nigerian doctors, with only 35,000 practising in-country. Factoring this figure with national population estimates, there is a deficit of over 260,000 doctors in Nigeria, and a minimum of 10,605 new doctors need to be recruited annually to meet global targets! This gap is particularly critical for a country like Nigeria which has some of the poorest health outcome indices in the world, including (being) the fourth (with) highest maternal mortality ratio and the eight highest infant mortality ratio. So, to be clear, there are not enough doctors in Nigeria!”
The biggest challenge that confronts us is the inconsistent government narrative on the health sector profile. It is beyond notorious that there is a drainpiping of Nigerian medical doctors towards the U.S., Canada, Saudi Arabia and the UK, among others; and Premium Times in a report last week did recall Health Minister Adewole, in a 2018 interview with the medium, saying government was worried about the trend. But there really should be no cause for such worry is the latest ‘gospel according to Saint Ngige’ – another minister of same government.
Besides, the labour minister’s expectation of foreign exchange harvest from emigrating doctors is confoundingly spurious. Poor equipment and manpower resource in the Nigerian health sector fuel medical tourism by citizens to which the country is estimated to lose N400billion yearly. And no less than President Muhammadu Buhari has voiced concern about the haemorrhage. In an address early this April at the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS) in Kuru, Plateau state, he lamented that the country was losing “N400billion on annual basis” to medical tourism because of the health sector’s “inability to combat outbreak of deadly diseases and mass migration of medical personnel out of the country.” But then, on the heels of Ngige’s assertions last week, the President – himself a famous medical tourist – announced to the nation that he was going off on a 10-day private visit to the UK, obviously to check up on his health vitals. What contradictory narrative!
Health Minister Adewole, at a news conference to mark the 2019 World Health Day three weeks ago, said the Buhari administration was determined to provide qualitative healthcare for every Nigerian, making it unnecessary to seek interventions abroad. “The government is trying to reduce the number of people who leave the shores of the country through the provision of up-to-date world class equipment,” he explained. Only neither the President’s ongoing private visit to the UK nor Minister Ngige’s bluster about emigrating doctors adds up to that narrative.
Rather than more doctors trooping abroad, the impression we had was that government wanted a repatriation of those who already left. Health Minister of State Osagie Ehanire, sometime in 2017, bemoaned the lack of faith in Nigerian health system and attendant costs of medical tourism by citizens, saying the ministry was keen to “partner with private health care providers and Nigerian health care experts in the Diaspora in what Mr. President calls ‘knowledge and skills repatriation’.” Ngige’s bluster last week flagrantly contradicted this purported policy drive.
The real reason Nigerian doctors are migrating abroad obviously is not because we have a surplus, but because of scandalous under-funding of that sector by government. It rubs salt into the wound to call the doctors’ bluff instead of making them feel valued and needed in their country.


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