NYSC’s blunder

Like someone with fingers caught in the cookie jar, the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has strained of late to rationalise safety tips contained in one of its handbooks advising corps members to prepare for the possibility of being kidnapped. But it hasn’t made a tidy or convincing job of that effort.

The scheme, in a literature titled ‘Security Awareness and Education Handbook For Corps Members and Staff,’ advised any of its members travelling on ‘high risk’ roads to first alert relations and friends to set by some funds that could be used in paying off ransom demanded by abductors in the event that they (corps members) get kidnapped. The document further advised on sundry rules of behaviour by unlucky corps members and their family while dealing with kidnappers. On page 56, the handbook states: “When travelling on high risk roads such as Abuja-Kaduna, Abuja-Lokoja-Okene or Aba-Port Harcourt roads, then alert your family members, friends and colleagues, in order to have someone on hand to pay off the ransom that could be demanded.” 

Page 57 of the handbook prescribes ‘advisory action when kidnapped or taken hostage’ as follows: “Do not antagonise your captors, be polite and operate with reasonable regards. Give reasonable cooperation to your abductors. Establish personal relationship with your abductors as soon as possible. The kidnappers may ask for contact persons, do not mention your place of work, but your close friends and parents. They will reach them to negotiate for your release. Advise your friends involved in the negotiations, they should be friendly with the captors. Take no risk by attempting to escape. DO NOT BE A HERO. Make no statement to the media after your release without official clearance but share your experience with close associates.” In another section of the handbook, the NYSC warned serving corps members against travelling with expensive gadgets as kidnappers would demand ransom based on perceived worth of the abductee. The section states: “In this period of ICT, do not travel with communication gadgets like laptops, iPad, handsets and other electronic facilities (in which) you stored personal information such as finances, net worth, investment and business dealings, as kidnappers will charge according to your worth.”

On the heels of news breaking on social media about these tips and the public outrage in trail, the NYSC management jumped in to disclaim the ‘release’ – apparently implying the report and not the tips in themselves – as fake and accusing ‘mischief makers’ of over-exertion for making an issue of it. It was a classic foray in obfuscation and subtle intimidation as it said: “Management wishes to emphatically state that the clause mischievously quoted is not embedded in NYSC security tips pamphlet which was put together by a highly respected retired security expert. Management wishes to appeal to the general public to always clarify issues with the scheme. Please, be wary of falling prey to the antics of mischief makers out to ridicule the scheme.” Notice that whatever the NYSC management meant by the clause not being embedded in the security tips pamphlet was deliberately left up in the air, as it didn’t clarify whether the provisions truly existed or not. And then, the point of stating that the pamphlet was put together by ‘a highly respected retired security expert’ could only be aimed at preemptively thrusting the document beyond interrogation. The clincher was that NYSC put inquisitive members of the public on the defensive by foisting responsibility on them to docilely seek out the scheme’s own narrative and view any counter-narrative as the handiwork of mischief makers.

“If the scheme is to be blamed for anything, it should only be for being brutally factual about the contemporary Nigerian condition.”

Since, however, there was documentary proof that the referenced handbook did exist with the controversial provisions, it was the antics by the NYSC management that didn’t wash. The handbook is out there in circulation and was issued to corps members presently undergoing the mandatory one-year national service, notably the Batch B Stream 1 cohort, hence it could be easily sourced and shown in evidence as some interrogators actually did. And so, the rebuttal by NYSC management fell flat before members of the public who flooded the media space to accuse it of telling barefaced lie, saying they were shocked a public agency could be so impunitous as to ply a defence that flew in the face of clear evidence to the contrary. Shortly after, fresh reports emerged that the scheme was backing down somewhat. PREMIUM TIMES cited NYSC spokesperson Adenike Adeyemi saying the scheme had become aware that different versions of the referenced pamphlet were in circulation, with some containing the controversial clause(s) and others not. “We realised different copies are in circulation. We are investigating,” she tersely responded to the newspaper’s insistence that copies in its possession contain the provisions and its questioning the basis for the hurried rebuttal earlier issued.

It was partly redeeming – mark it, only partly so – that the NYSC pedalled back on its rebuttal and admitted the existence of the controversial tips. In other words, even if it hadn’t intended that it be publicly highlighted (however that could’ve been possible), there is no question the agency alerted youngsters it drafted into compulsory national service outside of their zones of nativity and schooling that they were not guaranteed safety from abductors while inter-connecting between conventional bases and places of posting. And so it was not a ‘fake release,’ as the agency initially touted, that  section 65(e), among others, does exist in its security awareness and education handbook. What wasn’t explained, even with that volte face, was the frontal abdication of responsibility by the scheme for any corps member that gets abducted, going by the wording of the safety tips.

When the handbook advised corps members travelling high risk roads to alert relations and friends to setting something by for paying ransom in the event they get kidnapped, it pointedly made it the responsibility of family to ransom an abducted corps member who had been surrendered under compulsion to its care, just the way it was the responsibility of family to pay his/her fees when in school. Further indications of willfully abdicating responsibility could be gleaned from the rules of behaviour NYSC recommended to hapless corps members and their families while dealing with abductors. The agency advised that when kidnappers ask for contact persons, the abducted corps member should not mention his/her place of work (which would have brought in the scheme) but rather name close friends and parents, whose responsibility it will be to negotiate the abductee’s release. It, however, ended up simultaneously approbating and reprobating because, in the same breath, it warned that after securing his/her release, the affected corps member should make no statement to the media “without official clearance” – obviously from the same NYSC that repudiated any role in securing that release. Apparently, managing corporate image amidst the distressful incident was all that mattered to the scheme.

The House of Representatives weighed in last week, with obvious righteous indignation, to announce a probe of the spurious provisions by the NYSC. But if the scheme is to be blamed for anything, it should only be for being brutally factual about the contemporary Nigerian condition. Let’s face it: kidnappers (and killers, as well) are running lose across this country and aren’t sparing any set of citizens – not even monarchs and military top guns. And ransom is being regularly paid under compulsion by distressed relations of victims, even though government tends to look the other way and national lawmakers have toyed with the idea of enacting a legislation that criminalises ransom payment. With its handbook, the NYSC held up a mirror that reflects the raw state of the society. But it left a contradiction between mandatorily calling up people to service and disavowing incidental responsibility for them in the course of that service, and that is where attention should be directed in the proposed legislative probe.


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